Combi 50 - 56 simplified system II.

Combi 50 - 56 simplified system II.
4 733

Celsius Combi 50 - 56 simplified package II. content:

  • Celsius Combi 50 - 56 boiler
  • Pellet adapter door for connection pellet burner
  • Pellet burner - screw feeder
  • Pellet tank
  • Celsius anticondensing recycling pump unit
  • Celsius safety heat exchanger
  • System controller (Euroster 11E)

Celsius Combi boiler

With pellet adapter door

Celsius Combi boiler


The Celsius Combi Boiler is our most up to date boiler.

Celsius Combi boilers were developed to operate with either dry wood or wood pellet (DIN+ quality, 6 mm diameter thick). Its structure is similar to that of a traditional wood burning boiler, however, its operation is a lot more economical with the use of highly efficient equipment. The boiler requires minimum maintenance and will continue to meet your heating requirements over its long lifetime. The boiler can be connected to any kind of central heating system, from radiator to floor heating.


The Celsius Combi Boiler with Wood Pellet burner is efficient and convenient because of:

  • Automatic turn on and turn off switching
  • Keeping fire and modulation (5 performance levels)
  • Increased savings due to possibility of 4 different pellet quality parameters.
  • Faster cleaning


These boilers are suitable for burning wood and in auto mode Wood Pellets may also be used. Thanks to its special design the boiler can utilize both fuels with outstanding efficiency. Celsius boilers are suitable for gravity or pump controlled heating systems for family houses, workshops, various farm houses, agricultural halls, institutions and greenhouses. Celsius solid fuel burning boilers have different models which are sized by heat output to meet your individual requirements.



  • Fire grates (grills) 
  • Wooden pellet burner adapter door
  • Filling/draining trap







Height of boiler


Width of boiler


Depth of boiler


Boiler body


Exterior cover


Return water connection


Filling/draining tap connection


Upper door


Ash pan


Firing door (wood burning)


Pellet burner adapter door


Ash removal door (primary draught regulator)


Door opening handle




Heat exchangers


Grate (grill)


Safety valve or pressure guage


Uptake connection


Forward water connection


Thermometer connection


Automatic draugh regulator connection




Modul Combi 50 - 56
Firing door size (mm) 310*385
Maximum heat output (kW) wood/pellet 56/51
Heating-system dependant heatable air-space(m3) 800-1500
Fuel-dependant efficiency (%) wood/pellet 88/92
Heating water connection (") 2
Uptake connection (mm) 160
Height (mm) 1160
Width (mm) 755
Depth (mm) 775
Weight (kg) 350
Water volume (l) 130
Max. operating pressure (bar) 2
Max. operating temperature (°C) 90
Test pressure (bar) 4
Draught demand (g/s) 40,3
Firebox size (mm) (height*width*depth) 460*560*600







Celsius safety heat exchanger



It protects the boiler and environment if the boiler is overloaded and the heating system can not heat distribute (There is not buffer tank and irregular usage).


Content of equipment:

  • Celsius safety heat exchanger
  • Vent valve
  • Thermostatic security valve (opening temperature 98°C)
  • Pressure security valve (2bar)


Applicable to the following boiler types:
Celsius classic, Celsius C and Celsius Combi boiler








Celsius anticondesing recycling pump unit to 56 kW


Celsius anticondensing pump unit


  • Complete assembled units.
  • Space-saving, it has minimal space requirement due to compact design.
  • Insulated, the assembled units have an insulating cover.


The anti-condensing pump unit can be connected directly to the solid heating source in the heating system or to the buffer tank without any additional device. The pump unit is housed in a compact insulation box which includes the circulation pump, the anti-condensing thermostatic valve, the on/off natural circulation clapet valve, the isolating valves and thermometers. It automatically adjusts the returning water to the heating source at the selected thermostat value setting.


Technical features:

  • Synchronous high efficiency Wilo Yonos Para RS/7-RKC circulating pump with progressive speed control.
  • Max. working pressure 10 bar
  • Max. temperature 100°C
  • Setting temperature 55°C
  • Natural circulation clapet valve: with external control, it can be set on or off according to the type of installation.
  • Temperature thermometers: 0-120°C.


Nominal opening temperature: setting temperature + 10 K.
The max. usable power up to 80 kW (at Δt 30 K) with synchronous circulating pump Wilo Yonos RS/7-RKC.


Working mode:





Starting the installation (boiler warming up):
After the starting of the boiler, the thermic valve is fully closed towards the user’s return (gate A) and this condition remains until the fluid, warmed up by the heating source, gets the opening temperature of the thermic valve (corresponding to the setting value, f.i. 55°C). During this step the fluid sent by the boiler fully recycles through the by-pass (gate B) and the boiler temperature rises very quickly.



Loading the installation (tank warming up):
Achieving the opening temperature (f.i.55c), gate valve A proportionally starts to open while gate valve B proportionally starts to close. The boiler temperature slowly rises providing energy to the user, however the return temperature will not decrease below the setting temperature (f.i. 55c)



Working installation:
Starting from the condition of point 2, the supply temperature progressively rises up to the full opening of the thermic valve (gate A) and up to the corresponding shutting of by-pass (gate B). This happens at about 10 K more than the opening or setting temperature (therefore in the example in hand, at about 65°C). Now the installation is on working and the supply fluid temperature can rise up to the set value.



Natural circulation:
The natural circulation of fluid through the clapet valve starts as soon as the circulating pump stops and the remaining energy of the heating source is transferred to the water tank. This function starts as a security device, when the pump stops due to blackout or failure, so avoiding that the temperature of the heating source can reach high levels of danger. To turn on the natural circulation function please turn the control screw anti-clockwise.
You can lock the clapet valve any time, turning the screw clockwise (this operation has to be done when the pump is working).








Euroster 11E pump controller


11E vezérlő egység


Central heating/Utility hot water system pump controller


Euroster 11E is a modern microprocessor-based controller used to control central heating (CH) system pump or utility hot water (UHW) system pump.

The Euroster 11E controller features the ANTY STOP function that prevents idle pump rotors against seizing. Once the heating season is over, every 14 days the function automatically turns ON the pumps for 30 seconds. To that end the controller must be left powered up.


The Euroster 11E controller may be operated in two modes: it may control CH system pump or UHW system pump. In the former mode the CH system pump is engaged if sensor temperature has exceeded the preset limit. In the latter mode the UHW system pump is kept running until sensor temperature reaches the preset value.

  • Set 1 has been complied for layouts in which CH system pump is control,
  • Set 2 has been complied for layouts in which UHW pump is controlled.


Connection diagrams


Central heating pump control mode:



1. Euroster 11E controller
2. CH boiler
3. Heat source temperature sensor
4. CH pump
5. Radiator (heat load)


Domestic hot water pump control mode:


11E hot water diagram


  1. Euroster 11E controller
  2. DHW tank temperature sensor
  3. DHW tank
  4. DHW pump
  5. CH (wood pellet) boiler
  6. CH pump
  7. Radiator (heat load)



Elements of the controller:


11E display


  1. Name of the controlled parameter
  2. Heat source (boiler) 
  3. Manual operation mode (icon lit while the temperature is manually controlled)
  4. Alarm – (icon blinks in case of an alarm)
  5. State of the heat source
  6. DHW system pump icon lit while the pump is running
  7. CH system pump icon lit while the pump is running (CH system control mode)
  8. Heat source and other parameter value
  9. DHW tank temperature sensor icon
  10. Menu option number


Technical features:


Min. temperature Max. temperature
Controlled temperature 20 80
Hysteresis 2 10
Temperature sensor correction -5 5
Manual operation 0 (ki) 1 (be)



Operating voltage 230V, 50Hz
Ratted wattage 1,6W
Output load of circuit pump 200W
Potential independent output 100W
Environmental temperature 0 - 65°C
Temperature measurement range 0 - 110°C
Operation temperature range 20 - 80°C
Hysteresis 2 - 10°C
Temperature accuracy 1°C
Protection IP40
Display LCD







B-Max 50 kW pellet burner equipment


Pellet burner

Low-power burner, designed for civilian buildings. It is equipped with a screw pump for loading.
Bmax Technology burners have an innovative self-cleaning system which works on regular intervals: with this system the fuel grid is periodically freed from possible residue that could interfere with the correct combustion or that could induce the suffocation of the flame. In this way, the possibility of turning off the burner and the consequent dispersion of fumes are avoided.


Safety equipment:

  • The B-Max 50 kW pellet burner contain safety equipments:
  • Burner safety thermostat (for preventing backfire)
  • Cutting valve fire (optional) (for preventing backfire)



  • Screw (60 mm)
  • Pellet tank (200 kg)
  • Compressed air kit


Parts of wood pellet burner:


Pellet burner







B-Max 50 kW

Burner output



Electric connection



Average energy consumption






Fuse (delayed)



Noise level



Height of flame



Min. combustion chamber (height)



Min. combustion chamber (width)



Min. combustion chamber (depth)



Draught demand





Size and weight of screw feeder:









Wood pellet tank


Celsius pellet tank



Celsius wood pellet tank with wheels and  cover. Easy to take out pellet.



  • Height: 1270 mm
  • Width: 820 mm
  • Depth: 820 mm
  • High width screw feeder: 1900 mm